Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Empanadas Two Ways

Empanadas are essentially a stuffed pastry (pronounced em-pah-NA-dah). They are named from the verb "empañar", which means to wrap. In Argentina, the fillings usually consist of ground beef, cheese, chicken, spinach, or ham and cheese - the possibilities are endless. Empanadas can be baked or fried, and can be large enough to be a meal or made into smaller, appetizer-sized versions.

I like to use these La Salteña pre-made empanada dough-disks (tapas), which I buy from a local Latin American grocery store, because they are so simple and delicious. I like to buy the version for the oven (para horno) as opposed to the version to be fried (para frier).  Unfortunately, there are some non-vegetarian ingredients in the tapas from La Salteña. So, if you want a vegetarian version, you'll need to make your own!

This package from La Salteña has 20 tapas. If you want to make them all but not eat them all, you CAN freeze your empanadas. I recommend freezing the empanadas after their baked (and cooled). When you're ready to eat them from the freezer, allow them to defrost. Then reheat them in the microwave or the oven. The empanadas won't be as crispy if they're reheated in the microwave, but if you're in a time-crunch, the microwaved empanadas still taste great. Reheat them in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 350°F.

I decided to make two different kinds of empanadas: Turkey & Corn and Spinach & Cheese.

Turkey & Corn Empanada Filling

(Yields enough filling for 6 empanadas)

  • 1/2 lb. ground turkey (I prefer 99% lean ground turkey)
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
  • 1/4 tsp. paprika
  • 1/4 tsp. oregano
  • 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup frozen corn kernels, defrosted
  • Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Heat a large pan over medium-high heat. Once hot, add olive oil (enough to coat the pan). Add onion and saute until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and saute 1 minute longer
  2. Add cumin, paprika, oregano and ground cinnamon. Stir to combine
  3. Add ground turkey and cook until evenly browned
  4. Add corn kernels, cooking for another minute

Spinach & Cheese Empanada Filling

(Yields enough filling for 5 empanadas)

  • 8 oz. fresh spinach leaves
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 2/3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Heat a large pot (or Dutch oven) over medium-high heat. Once hot, add olive oil (enough to coat the pan). Add onion and saute until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and saute 1 minute longer
  2. Add spinach leaves and cover the pot - cook for 2 minutes
  3. Uncover the pot and stir the spinach until it is wilted
  4. Remove pan from heat and stir in cheeses

How to Assemble your Empanadas

  • Once you have your empanada filling made, allow it to cool
  • Preheat your oven to 375°F and grease two baking sheets
  • Carefully pick up one dough disk (tapa) and place about 2 Tbsp. of filling into the center. You want as much filling as you can fit while still being able to close and seal the empanada. Make sure the edge of the empanada dough is clear of any filling, otherwise your dough won't seal well and might open during baking!
  • Using your finger, brush the edge of the empanada dough with a bit of water (to help seal the dough)
  • Fold the dough over and pinch it closed
  • Crimp the edge of of the empanada dough with a fork or with the tip of your finger (this is how I sealed mine)
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until browned and flaky

Here is a picture of my finished empanadas. I apologize for the quality of the picture/empanadas. I had full intentions of taking a picture and posting the recipe, but as soon as these came out of the oven the only thing I could think about doing was eating ALL of them. I guess I'll just have to make some more!

Enjoy and thanks for reading!

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