About Olivia

Simply, this is a blog about food - usually healthy, usually easy, but always delicious!

How did this start? During the summer of 2013, I joined a CSA (see more here). I began this blog as a way to keep track of the recipes I used while preparing the weekly "boxes" of fruits and vegetables I received. As the weeks passed and the CSA began winding down, I realized I wanted my collection of recipes to continue to grow. I also realized that I enjoy showing people that vegetables are tasty and preparing them in a delicious way isn't as daunting as it may seem.

How did I learn to cook/bake? In a sentence: my wonderful mother. I grew up eating healthy, well-balanced meals every day; we ate natural and organic foods before organic was something people cared about. Watching my mom (and occasionally my dad) cook inspired a passion for cooking and baking within me.

Other fun facts: Aside from my obvious love of cooking and baking, I love pumpkins, alpacas, sewing and crafting, traveling, chocolate, Pittsburgh and, of course, my wonderful family and friends.

I received my bachelors degrees in neuroscience, psychology and Latin American studies from the University of Pittsburgh. Currently, I'm pursing my masters in business administration at Youngstown State University. Although I'm not sure what the future holds for me - I do know I'll be well-fed along the way!

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