Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hemp Seeds: Nutritional Value

A few weeks ago I talked about chia seeds and their nutritional benefits.

When I say "hemp", you probably think about the recent marijuana-related news (this and this and this). But hemp is appearing everywhere now as hemp seeds, hemp milk, etc. So, I'm going to try to break it down.

So what is it?

Hemp seeds are a dry fruit with a hard shell (like sunflower or flax seeds). They have a nutty and almost sweet taste. And can be added to a variety of dishes - recipes coming soon!


Hemp seeds are packed with nutritional value and benefits! Hemp seeds contain all 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids our bodies can't product. It also has high amounts of protein, fatty acid, fiber and vitamin E. And it has a balanced ratio of omega 3 to 6 fats (around a 3:1 ratio).

This article lists many of the benefits of hemp I just explain and more.

Can it make you high?

In short, no. Hemp seeds come form the plant Cannabis sativa L. Sounds familiar, right? That's because the hemp plant and the marijuana plant come from the same family (Cannabis).

The psychoactive ingredient in marijuana responsible for getting people "high" is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. According to the hemp growers industry, hemp grown for food, fuel and natural fibers contains virtually no THC. While "virtually no THC" can mean there is still a tiny bit of THC left, this is further reduced when hemp is processed into hemp seed oil and milk. Also, keep in mind: poppy seeds contain trace opiates and fruit juice contains trace alcohol.

In 2003, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) attempted to pass a law banning the sale of hemp products in the US. As a result, health food stores like Whole Foods, had to pull hemp products off their shelves. But after additional research, it was found that drug test don't confuse hemp and marijuana, and hemp products don't create a "high". And by 2004, hemp products found their way back onto the shelves of health food stores.

This article talks about the myths and confusion associated with hemp.


I think hemp seeds great and safe. However please keep in mind, I'm not giving medical advice or making any health claims, just my opinion.

Enjoy and thanks for reading!

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