Friday, March 14, 2014

Mini Berry Pies

Happy Pi Day!! For those who are unfamiliar with this holiday, let me give you some background. Pi (π) is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to the circle's diameter. The value of pi is approximately 3.14159, but pi's actual value is infinite in length and its digits have no pattern (it's captivated people throughout history).

So, 3.14 = March 14 = Pi Day! In case you think I'm pulling your leg (I'm not), the House of Representatives designated March 14 as National Pi Day in 2009 (see, it's real). Also, I just learned, March 14 is Albert Einstein's birthday.

I can't think of a better way to celebrate Pi Day than with pie. And because I can't commit to one large pie, I decided to make 2 different flavors of mini pies: mixed berries and blueberry. Thanks to my friend Liz for helping to make these tasty little treats!

Mini Berry Pies

Yield: 24 mini muffin-sized pies | Prep time: 15 minutes | Total time: 40 minutes

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 Tbsp. water
  • 1-2 Tbsp. sugar (for dusting)
    • Mixed Berry Filling
  • 2 oz. strawberries
  • 2 oz. raspberries
  • 2 oz. blackberries
  • 1 tsp. cornstarch
  • 4 1/2 tsp. sugar
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest
    • Blueberry Filling
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 tsp. cornstarch
  • 4 tsp. sugar
  • 2 tsp. water
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest

  1. Prepare mixed berry filling: coarsely chop the strawberries and break up large raspberries and blackberries. Put all the fruit in a mixing bowl and stir in cornstarch, sugar and lemon zest. Set aside.
  2. Prepare blueberry filling: put half of the blueberries in a small pot with the cornstarch, sugar and water. Cook, uncovered, over medium heat for 2-3 minutes or until the blueberries begin to ooze their juice and the sauce thickens. Remove pot from heat and add the remaining blueberries. 
  3. Prepare dough: allow Pate Brisee dough to warm to room temperature (warm enough to roll out, not too warm that is becomes soft and buttery). Roll the pie dough out thinly on a lightly floured surface. Using a round cookie cutter (about 2 1/2 inches in diameter), stamp out 24 circles (reroll the trimmings as needed). Gently press the circles into mini muffin pans*.
  4. Assemble pies: In a small bowl, whisk together egg yolk and 1 Tbsp. water. Brush the top of the dough with egg glaze, then spoon in the filling. Sprinkle with a little sugar.
  5. Bake in the preheated oven for 20-22 minutes. Leave mini pies in the pan to cool for 10 minutes. 

*The pies are very fragile and I had a not-so-easy time removing them from the pans. As you can see, I ended up putting them in mini-muffin papers so they're easier to move. I don't know if I would recommend cooking them in mini-muffin papers. I also don't think greasing the pans would have helped. If you have a suggestion - let me know!

Nutritional information per serving (1 mini pies):
Calories: 72
Total fat: 4 grams
Carbohydrates: 9 grams
Fiber: 1 grams
Protein: 1 gram
Weight Watchers points: 2

Enjoy and thanks for reading!

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