Thursday, June 20, 2013

Stir Fried Bok Choy with Ginger and Garlic

Since I just began this blog, I am a bit behind. I picked up my first CSA “box” on Tuesday, June 18th. Here is a list of the produce I received this week:
  • Quart of strawberries
  • Bunch of kale
  • Bag of mesclun lettuce
  • Head of frilly lettuce
  • Head of another kind of soft lettuce
  • Bag of green peas (about 20)
  • Head of bok choy
  • Bunch of green onions
  • Bunch of Swiss chard

(I apologize for the descriptions of some produce in place of their actual names. I was so excited at my first pick up, I forgot to actually look at what I was receiving – I will do better next week!)

Some of these items I’ve eaten and cooked with before (strawberries, mesclun lettuce, green peas and green onions). However, some of the other items I’ve never cooked with or even consumed! So, my first challenge is researching these items and finding recipes. Another challenge is to consumer all of this produce before the next influx of vegetables!

I decided that the first item to cook would be bok choy.

Bok choy is classified as cabbage and is often used in Chinese cuisine. I read that bok choy has a somewhat mild flavor. Here is a picture of bok choy uncooked.

After reading through a few recipes, I decided upon this one from Food Network. Before getting started, I must say - please wash the bok choy thoroughly! Not only should all produce from the farm be wash thoroughly, bok choy can easily hold dirt between its stalks and leaves.

Stir Fried Bok Choy with Ginger and Garlic

(Yields 2 servings)

  • 2+ cloves garlic, minced (I enjoy a lot of garlic)
  • 2 tsp. fresh ginger, minced
  • 4 cups fresh bok choy, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp. soy sauce (I like reduced-sodium, but it is not a requirement)
  1. Heat pan over medium heat. Once hot, add small amount of olive oil (enough to coat pan)
  2. Add garlic and ginger - cook about 1 minute
  3. Add bok choy and soy sauce - cook about 3 minutes or until bok choy leaves are wilted and stalk is crispy but tender. Add salt and pepper to taste
Not only was the bok choy delicious, it was super easy to make and took less than 10 minutes from preparation to completion! I paired this brown rice and teriyaki chicken. Here is a picture of the meal in its entirety.

Enjoy and thanks for reading!

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