Monday, November 18, 2013

How to Make Homemade Pumpkin Puree

If you didn't know already, I love pumpkin. Aside from pumpkin's obvious use in pumpkin pie, pumpkin is great in cookies, breads, oatmeal, muffins, pancakes, pumpkin butter, etc! Not only is pumpkin delicious but it's incredible healthy and nutritious.

I've heard that canned pumpkin puree is just as good, or even better than, fresh pumpkin puree. While I can understand the convenience of using canned pumpkin, I just can't believe any canned product to be better than fresh! So, I decided to test out this theory and make homemade pumpkin puree. The results: creamy, deliciousness. If you have the time to make pumpkin puree from scratch - do it!

Homemade Pumpkin Puree

(A 3-4 pound pumpkin yields about 4 cups)


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F
  2. Thoroughly wash your pie pumpkin
  3. Carefully remove the stem from the top of the pumpkin, then cut pumpkin in half from top to bottom
  4. Scoop out the seeds and stringy bits around the seeds (save the seeds and roast them!)
  5. Lay pumpkin halves flesh-side down on a baking sheet and pour some water on the sheet. The water will steam and cook the pumpkin.
    **Add the water after you put the baking sheet in the oven so you won't spill the water while carrying your baking sheet!
  6. Roast pumpkin for 30-45 minutes, or until a sharp knife can be inserted into the flesh with little resistance
  7. Remove the baking sheet and allow pumpkin to cool for about an hour
  8. Use a large spoon to remove the roasted pumpkin flesh from the skin and place into a food processor. Process the flesh until smooth, about 3-4 minutes
  9. Place pureed pumpkin in a fine mesh strainer to remove any excess water

Now that you have lots of delicious pumpkin puree, you can eat it (keep in the refrigerator for up to 1 week) or freeze it (for up to 3 months). If you plan to freeze it, measure out portions before freezing or pour pumpkin puree into an ice cube tray - that way you can access the pumpkin easily in the future!

Enjoy and thanks for reading!

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